Great Dane Club of New England
Club Information

People to Contact
President  Marcia Roddy
Vice President  Patricia Ciampa
Corresponding Secretary Tiffany Cross
Recording Secretary  Kimberly Thurler
Treasurer  Sharon Boldeia
Directors  Suzanne Kelley, Peter Roddy,  Norm Vadenais
Breeder Referral Delegates Sabrina Holley-Williams, Kimberly Thurler
Match Chair  Patricia Ciampa 
Membership Chair
  Susan Davis Shaw
National Specialty Committee  Susan Davis Shaw, Laurie Maulucci
Parent Club Delegate  Susan Davis Shaw
Public Education Chair  Patricia Ciampa
Sunshine Chair  Suzanne Kelley
Web  Kimberly Thurler

GDCNE does not have its own rescue group. For information on rescue, or to make a rescue donation, please contact  Great Dane Rescue of New England, Inc., a non-profit organization.
A Great Dane must be spirited, courageous, never timid; always friendly and dependable.

-Great Dane Club of America breed standard
Joining GDCNE
If you’re interested in becoming a member, here’s what you need to know; click for more information: 
Membership Process
Regular Member application
Associate/Jr. Member application
Sponsor form 
Questions? Please get in touch with Membership Chair Sue Davis Shaw.