
Thanks for your support!
GDCNE members can pay membership dues through PayPal here

To donate to the GDCNE Trophy Fund, you can do so through PayPal here:

Other Specialty Contributions: For the 2019 Great Dane Club of America National Specialty in Virginia Beach, Va., this October, GDCNE is putting together a Tower of Toys basket for the GDCA Raffle Room and a Taste of New England suitcase for the GDCA Suitcase Challenge. We’ll also be having a raffle at the GDCNE specialties in November. To make a donation to purchase items for the basket, suitcase or raffle, click below and indicate in the notes how you’d like your donation to be used.

You can also send contributions or payments to our treasurer, Sharon Boldeia, 1 Rennie Rd, Merrimack NH 03054. 

The Great Dane Club of New England is a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization and donations may be tax deductible.
The Great Dane’s versatility, intelligence, and adaptability make him extremely popular.
– Great Dane Club of America
Our 2018 rescue challenge offered a dollar for dollar match, up to $500,  of individual member donations for  efforts by Great Dane Rescue of New England.